Bailey Scieszka

Furby/Girl with Disney Video Face Paint Holding a Shopkins Palm Tree with Little Saint James Themed Dress, 2021
Acrylic, gold leaf, dollar bills, lottery tickets and Norman Rockwell print, and Thomas Kinkade prints on linen
83.8 x 68.6 x 3.8 cm
33 x 27 x 1 1/2 in




Born 1989 in Detroit, USA. Lives and works in Detroit, USA.


The videos, performances and paintings of Bailey Scieszka draw on the symbols and costumes of participatory culture. Often incorporating her alter-ego Old Put, a deranged clown, Scieszka mines political and fan ideologies, sports and brand logos in an exploration and excavation of the wild and often illogical exuberance of mass culture.


Her recent solo shows include 'The Flesh Failures' at Galerie Maria Bernheim, Zürich (2022), 'Conspiracy Influencer' at EMPAC, Troy, New York (2022), 'Cruising: The Tale of Gaslighting the Girl Boss to Gate Keep on the High Seas with Old Put and Friends' at Elaine L. Jacob, Detroit (2022), 'Old Put Acquire-it Network' (online) at Larrie, New York (2020) and 'The Peaceable Kingdom' at Stems Gallery, Brussels (2020).