Anderson, Mitchell. “Performance Society: Ivan Cheng." Mousse Magazine, 5 October 2023.

Fontaine, Pearl. “Mitchell Anderson Reappropriates the Appropriated at Maria Bernheim Zurich." Whitewall, 14 July 2023.




Reading Rämistrasse #87: Noah Merzbacher on Paint by Numbers at Galerie Eva Presenhuber." Reading Ramistrasse Kunsthalle Zurich.



Bieri, Martin. “So geht umverfende Malerei.” Der Bund.

Gerbing, Chris. “Mitchell Anderson - Porträt.” artline, 15 September 2021.
Anderson, Mitchell. “Do you fuck in your studio?: interview with Ebecho Muslimova.” Provence, Spring/Summer 2021.



Bang, Margaux. “Artists to Watch." L'Officiel Art, 6 March 2020.

Roberti, Domenico Ermanno. "Mitchell Anderson, Plymouth Rock.” ONCURATING, Issue 48.



Stewart, Christabel. “The Republic: Mitchell Anderson presents the value of houses owned by the families of his artistic peers.” TANK Magazine, Issue 78, Spring 2019.

Tenaglia, Francesco. “La luna e l’apostolo, ovvero l’allunaggio secondo Mitchell Anderson." Esquire Italia, 20 July 2019.

Thirteen artists not to miss at The Armory Show." The Art Newspaper, 6 March 2019.

Wychowanok, Thibaut. “Avec l’artiste Mitchell Anderson, Big Brother surveille aussi l’art contemporain.” Numéro, 8 January 2019.



Carey-Kent, Paul. “Around the World in Five Art Cities: Zurich", Elephant, no. 35, Summer 2018.

Gasparina, Jill. “Le vide et le plein.” Le Temps, 12 January 2018.

Morgenthaler, Daniel “Regionales Kunstvermittlungszentrum." Brand-New-Life, 14 January 2018.

Rosenmeyer, Aoife. “Critic’s Guide: Zurich. Frieze, 8 June 2018.

Wychowanok, Thibaut. “L’oeuvre du mois: Voyeurisme Artistique.” Numéro, no 59, December 2018.



Gillick, Liam. “25 Questions for Mitchell Anderson." Cura, no. 24, February 2017. 

Graf, Celine. “Wenn das Leben in die Kunst dringt.” Freiburger Nachrichten, 11 November 2017.



Horn, Daniel.  “Tunguska." Art Agenda, 11 February 2016.

Jeppesen, Travis. “Mitchell Anderson and Jon Rafman." ArtForum, 27 June 2016. 

Menetrey, Sylvain. “Noir dedans - Paradis virtuels et epuisement des formes.” Kunstbulletin, May 2016.

Rosenmeyer, Aoife. “Critic’s Guide: Zürich.” Frieze, 9 June 2016.

Theytaz, Jean-Marc. “Les obscurs secrets du Manoir.” Les Nouvelliste, 1 March 2016.



Hess, Ewa. “Fliegt Schmetterlinge!” Tages Anzeiger Online Private Views, 9 September 2014.